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Sunday 7 August 2016

Baker’s Trade with Farmer..!!

Once there was a farmer who used to trade with a baker. He used to sell him butter. One day baker decided to weigh the pound of butter farmer sold him but baker found that the butter was not weighing pound. He felt cheated and this angered him.Baker took the case to the court. In court judge asked the farmer about if he was using any way to measure the butter before selling it to baker. To this farmer replied, “Sir, i don’t have proper equipment to measure but i do have a scale.Judge asked him, “Then how did you weigh butter?Farmer replied, “Your honor, Before i started to sell butter to baker. I used to buy a pound of bread loaf from him. After i decided to start selling butter to him. I brought bread from baker and put it on scale to measure butter and give him same weight in butter.” Now judge knew who was the real defaulter.

When ever we take action against another person we should ask our self if we are doing right thing. What if same thing to be happen to us would we still feel same?? If we deceive another its like deceiving ourselves because with time dishonesty can become a habit.

Sunday 19 June 2016


I write to you with tears in my eyes but joy in my heart.
You've been a "beast" since I was born, but I choose to see the angel in you.
You mostly come home drunk, yell at everybody and even hit us including mummy.
But Dad, others can choose to call this BRUTALITY but I choose to call it FIDELITY.
I know in difficult times, a chest to hide in and a shoulder to cry on is very necessary.
You come home drunk, yes, because you hate to see the family you cherish so much, starve and in pain. Amidst the yelling, I sense a loud scream of love.
Dad I want to let you know that today that I will freely give you healthy hugs so PLEASE DON'T HIT ME.
Please whisper the "I LOVE YOU" because in the yells, my soul cant hear from yours.
I know every effort of yours is to be a man we shall be proud of, so please come home today walking straight and you'll see the pride and appreciation in mom's eyes.
I shall always be proud to call you DADDY irrespective of what others may say. I promise to love you always because that's the only option I have and also to make you proud one day.
All I need is MORE LOVE from you, but this time, more tenderly.

Agyekum Prince Adjetey
  (Oguaa hall President)

Thursday 2 June 2016


The nation has seen an increase in entry into educational institutions since the early 90’s to 2012. But it is sad to note that entry has declined up to 2016. This implies that quality education is gradually becoming a privilege for the ‘rich’ or “well to do” and not a "right for all".
The sad aspect is that the rich are these same people who either toiled to be educated and are now lawmakers of the country, or had a silver spoon from their mouth from cradle due to the toiled of their predecessors, or stood before us and lifted our hopes of a better future in terms education as they craved for our votes.
The students of Ghana are tired of being ripped off every single content of the COST SHARING POLICY. From allowance, through and now to UTILITY.  We shall not sit for this to happen. THE SILENCE IS BROKEN.
To the National Governing Cabinet, WHERE IS THE CONSCIENCE? What happened to the hopeful promises of better education? If it is about building more schools then am sorry. Because building more schools is useless in the face of unaffordable education. What then will happen to the cocoa farmer’s daughter who waits till harvest time t see her fees paid? What happens to that young man who has to engage in illegal mining with his life at risk in order to settle his hostel, tuition and other expenses.

Tuesday 31 May 2016


Colleagues,it is a sad moment for the Ghanaian student as in the quest to obtain knowledge to serve our dear nation, we stand a great price to pay. Our dreams of gaining knowledge is threatened by the people we believed and hoped to receive assurance with regards to our hopes for a brighter future,and this very people sadly seem unconcerned.

We do  not intend to, by this message blame anyone but we want to clearly state our position on Government's actions and inaction to get the Ghanaian student to bear the COST of UTILITY," it is not as if we have the money and we are refusing to pay but the truth is that we as students and financiers of our education, the cost of utility  of running our educational facility ,JUST CANT PAY" .In the last few weeks, we have observed as our various university management have come under intense to bill students with the utility change. Clearly it comes to us students that university management is acting on external pressure both from the utility service providers and government
We believe, that this is a clear attempt to truncate the educational lives of the poor Ghanaian students. We want to by this medium express our STRONG DISPLEASURE on 
 recent happening, after  our students' leadership was informed about plans far advanced to bill students of UCC with the utility charge and not just UCC, information reaching us clearly indicates that there are attempts of management of school's: KNUST, UPSA,UMAT, UDS, UEW etc to levy students with the said charge

Friday 13 May 2016

Curious Young Mind Questions!!

A young man wanted to find answers about life and God so he always look for wise people to ask. He met lots of people and asked them about it but neither of them could answer him.
One day he got opportunity to meet a scientist so he asked him questions about life and god. Questions were:

1. Is there any God? If yes then show me his outlines.
2. What is destiny?
3. If devil is made and fire and he lives in hell which is also made of fire then will he feel pain because of fire?

As young man finished his questions scientist slapped him in his face. Young man was confused by this action of scientist and asked him, “Why did you get mad at me?”
Scientist replied, ” I didn’t got mad at you. i was just answering to your question.
Confused young man asked, “How is it so?”
Scientist asked him, “What did you feel when i slapped you in the face?”
Young man replied, “I felt pain..!!”

Saturday 7 May 2016


A Guy who has no job got married to a banker, despite his fears and several advises that it's not good to marry without a job. Every month the girl Would give the guy her full salary of $80,000 after removing her tithe. Tehe guy would give the wife $20.000 for personal upkeep and the guy determined what happened to the remaining money.
This happened for 3 good years. There was happiness in the family and the wife never refused to do her primary home duties for that 3 years, despite wrong advice from friends that 'you can't be paying the bills and still be doing all the work'.

There was a particular month the guy used
about $50.000 to travel from region to region for different interviews. He finally got a job with a good firm. His salary was $380,000 monthly for a start. He bought his first car (a brand new) for 2.2 million dollars he gave the wife the car key,& continued to take public transport to work for about 3 years.